Perché usare le tecniche SEO per scrivere i vostri post e i vostri articoli?

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Reasons Why You Should Use SEO For Your Posts

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing strategy not so new to the internet. Search engines like Google make it a point to explore every bit of content on the open internet to determine just how useful a particular site’s content is for the benefit of internet users everywhere. The main purpose of SEO is to ascertain that search engines like Google assign websites a good ranking so that owners enjoy more traffic on their websites.

With that in mind, there are several other reasons why you should use SEO for your posts, and explained in this article are a few important ones.

Build Credibility

As mentioned earlier, SEO serves to give a website positive rankings. Simply, what this means is that SEO helps to place a website somewhere at the top of the list of results when a user does a relevant search. It is not often that a user, yourself included, wanders off to page two of Google’s search results. It doesn’t mean that the results on the second page are necessarily inaccurate but it only makes sense in the user’s mind that the results on the first page, and specifically at the top of the list, are more credible than those lower on the list.

Credibility is one of the principle reasons why you should use SEO for your posts.

Free Advertising

There is not an advertising tool in existence more powerful than the internet unless a person is using the internet and SEO side by side. If an individual uses SEO as it was meant to be used, any and all relevant searches should no doubt return her website as one of the primary results. One need not resort to other media for advertising what is already all over the internet; that is, his website, product or brand.

Return Customers

SEO has brought you thus far. With your site now constantly appearing somewhere at the top of the list, you now need to ensure that as many of your readers as possible come back specifically to your website for information. Google uses this kind of information to identify safe websites that it can recommend for use by Internet users looking for useful information. The question now becomes how to get people to return to your website.


Websites should provide valuable content that readers can rely on. Owners should strive to produce broad content such that readers need not refer to other websites to find the information the owners should have had in the first place.

Series posts

It is always a good idea to produce a series of posts on the same topic which readers can follow discovering new information with each post. Such a series will have readers coming back for more. If the content is any good that is.

Building backlinks

Backlinks refer to the number of people linking to a website. The way Google sees it, the more of these one has, the more trustworthy and useful a site is likely to be. You can build your backlinks using some dodgy tactics like buying them, but you can be sure that you’ll get caught and pay. Google is constantly updating their algorithms to snuff out such sites, and it shouldn’t surprise you to see your visits dip drastically if you choose to employ such methods. The only way to build legitimate backlinks that will serve you in the long term is through quality content, use an Edusson Help Guides platform help for writing a quality articles.

Backlinks building is one of the reasons why you should use SEO for your posts.

Today, the internet is arguably the single largest, most competitive and easiest marketplace to access. If your brand, product or business is to survive, you will need SEO on your side. By using SEO correctly, not only will your brand survive, it will thrive.

Helen Farrell is author of this article, she is a creative writer and blogger.

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